Resolutions are acted upon once adopted by a vote at the highest level concerned.
If a resolution is forwarded to and accepted by the Provincial Resolutions Committee, passed at Provincial Convention, and directed to the Provincial Government, the Resolution is posted on the CWL Provincial website.
If a resolution is forwarded to and accepted by the Provincial Resolutions Committee, passed at Provincial Convention, and directed to the Federal Government, the resolution is forwarded to the National Resolutions Committee.
If passed by delegates on the National Convention floor, it becomes a League Resolution and is posted on the CWL National website. See link.
All BC/YK Resolutions and related materials are listed.
To write letters see individual resolutions and their action plans.

BC & Yukon Resolutions
National Resolutions
Resolutions By Year Passed at National Convention
Resolution gifted by the BC & Yukon CWL Provincial Council. It is available at the National site at
2024.03 Grant the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise Legal Authority to Investigate Environmental and Human Rights Abuses
Resolved, that national council of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada in 104th national annual meeting of members assembled, urges the federal government to enact legislation giving the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise the power to subpoena witnesses and documents when investigating complaints of environmental and human rights abuses attributed to companies registered in Canada and operating outside Canada.