2018 Provincial CWL Delegation Meeting with Government Feb 28, 2018
Delegation: Evelyn Rigby (President), Gisela Montague (President Elect), Blanca Stead (Legislation), Sharon Geiger (Resolutions)
After months of preparation, numerous phone calls and emails to contacts for the government meetings and to the resolution committee, the day finally arrived for our meetings to present our resolutions to members of the BC Legislature on Wednesday, February 28th, 2018.
On Tuesday night, the night before we were to meet with the members of the BC Legislature we went over our speaking notes to prepare ourselves.
On Wednesday morning at 11:00 am we met with six of the NDP caucus and presented recent and past resolutions: we began with presenting the motion on Enforcement of the protection of communities and exploited persons act., then Coercion of Conscience for Healthcare Professionals, Include Psychotherapy in British Columbia Medical Service Plan, Banning the use of Neonicotinoid Pesticides, National Screening for Newborn Screening including Screening for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, at this time Gisela did a presentation on SOGI 123 and we finished with Hospice Palliative Care An Integral Component of the Canadian Healthcare System.
Members asked questions and also gave us some information. We were well received.
We then went to lunch with Shuswap MLA Greg Kyllo. He told us a bit of his life and how he became an MLA. Todd Stone, MLA for Kamloops also joined us after lunch. MLA Kyllo introduced us to the House – we were in the gallery and attended Question Period. Greg was very excited to have us there because he doesn’t have very many members of his constituency visit him at parliament. After Question Period he met us and gave us a tour and explained many things regarding the building, especially about the Library. He also took us to visit the Speaker of the House who had to have a picture taken with us. After our tour we met with about fifteen members of the Liberal caucus. When we had the picture taken there were only 11 members as some had business to attend to.
The members listened attentively and had some suggestions.
We were well respected by both parties. Greg Kyllo presented us with gifts at the end of our presentation and then picture time. We felt like celebrities because so many photos were taken of us during our time there.
The presentation of our resolutions to government members is an honor and a privilege that we value. The MLAs respect the work that has been done in the preparation of the resolutions and they are attentive and gracious towards our presentation. The interchange of ideas is an education for them and for us and it is very worthwhile.
Respectfully submitted
Sharon Geiger
BC & Yukon Provincial Resolutions Chairperson
BC & Yukon 1st Vice-President