The Catholic Women's League of Canada

National Theme: Here I Am Lord, send me
Provincial Theme: Joyfully Serving the Lord

BC & Yukon Provincial Council


If you are a first-time or returning visitor to our website, we sincerely hope that you will be able to find the information you are looking for.

We are proud to be a part of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada that brings members together from every province and territory, from all walks of life and ethnic backgrounds, with a common purpose to serve God and Canada.

Our aim after your visit today is:

Literary Contest

“What are the joys and rewards of being a
Catholic Women’s League member”

300-500 word essay, poem, or song

More Details


That you will feel better informed about who we are and what we do in British Columbia and Yukon Territory


That you will become a member of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada, continue your membership, or renew your membership if lapsed for any reason


That you know who to contact on the Provincial Executive or your local Diocesan President for information


That you will contact us at if you have any questions

Provincial & Diocesan Conventions

Read More Information

CWL National Office

Contact Information
Telephone (204) 927-2310
email address

Membership Criteria

Why Become a Member

Objects of the League

to unite Catholic women of Canada

League Prayers

9 league prayers