Communicator Newsletter


The Catholic Women’s League of Canada
BC and Yukon Provincial Council Newsletter

The Communicator is published twice a year by the BC & Yukon CWL Provincial Council. The publication content relies on submissions from the BC & Yukon Provincial CWL Council Executive, the Provincial Spiritual Advisor, the Diocesan Presidents and Executives, and Local Council Executive Members of the Dioceses of Nelson, Kamloops, Prince George, Vancouver, Victoria, and Whitehorse.

The link to the Communicator at the Provincial website is:


  • Theme-based articles (with the seasonal theme set by the Provincial Council).
  • Articles and photographs of CWL Provincial, Diocesan, and Parish Council events throughout the province are encouraged.
  • Parish and Diocesan Celebrations.
  • Parish and Diocesan Anniversaries and Milestones
  • Inspirational quotes, prayers, and spiritual reflections.
  • CWL projects with photographs.

Deadlines for Submissions

Deadlines are set by the provincial council executives and editor Kathy Weswick, Contact:

Guidelines for publications to be sent to the editor:

  • Content must be CWL-related and reflect Catholic teachings and values.
  • Overall maximum length of combined photos and text not to exceed 200-250 words on one page.
  • Any graphics must be royalty-free, and the source of the graphics must be documented in writing to the editor.
  • Any CWL member may supply a personal or formal article for publication to the editor, which is subject to be approved by the publication committee.

Contact Information for Submission

Articles for publication may be sent by email to Kathy Weswick at:

For a personal copy of the Communicator, requests may be sent by email to Kathy Weswick at: