At the 1990 Annual Provincial Convention of the BC & Yukon Provincial Convention of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada a bursary in memoir of Honorary Life Member, Molly Boucher, was established. Molly Boucher was the mother of eight children. She worked for the Archdiocese of Vancouver as Secretary for Archbishop Carney from 1970 to 1981. She was involved in the Catholic Women’s League for many years and was National President from 1972 to 1974. Between 1970 and 1988, Molly Boucher was President of the following organizations: Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace for BC; Catholic School Trustees Association (BC); the Federation of Independent Schools Association (founding President); Canadian Catholic Schools Trustees Association, and the Catholic Lay Associations group. She was Director of Administration for the Papal Visit to Vancouver in 1984. May of 1987, Molly Boucher wrote: “For me the most important development since Vatican 11 has been my personal realization that each person is called by God to a special vocation within the world, just as a Priest or Religious is called to his or her particular vocation”.
Molly was working to complete a University degree when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She died January 15, 1990.
- Applicant must be a practising Catholic and an active member of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada for a minimum of two (2) years.
- The Application Form must be fully completed, and then signed by the applicant, the Parish CWL President, and the Parish Priest. It must be accompanied by letters as outlined in the criteria.
- A letter written by the applicant must be included and should outline briefly her goals and aspirations along with her reasons for her interest in pursuing these goals. The letter must demonstrate a keen interest in parish life and indicate a willingness to serve the Church.
- A letter of reference from a person (not a family member) who has known the applicant for some time and is familiar with her performance and activities.
- All Applications must be on the current Application Form and no other forms will be accepted. The completed Application Forms and other information requested must be submitted to the BC & Yukon Provincial Chairperson of Service by April 30. Any applications arriving after the date will not be considered and will be returned.
Guidelines for Evaluation and Presentation
- The winner will be decided by a Bursary Committee which must include two Life Members and be chaired by the BC & Yukon Provincial Chairperson of Serevice. When selecting the winners, the names of the Applicants and any information which would identify the Applicant must be removed so that the applications are anonymous to the committee members. The applications will be evaluated using a system of “points” awarded for each item that has been requested. This system makes the process impartial. The Committee decision is final. After the Bursary Certificate is presented, all applications and materials shall be disposed of carefully so as to protect the privacy of the applicants.
- A certificate naming the recipient as the winner will be presented at the BC & Yukon Provincial Convention. Dinner Tickets for the recipient and her guest will be provided in the event the winner can attend the banquet.
- Bursary money will be given only upon receiving proof of payment of Tuition Fees for the course(s). The Bursary money will then be paid directly to the student. The Bursary money may also be given directly to the post-secondary institution specifying to be deposited when recipient registers for classes. This must be done before December 31st of the year following the Application, or the Bursary will not be paid.
- Any person applying for this Bursary may only receive the Bursary once.
- In the event the bursary is not used in the school year for which the money was received, it is to be returned to the Provincial Treasurer. The recipient may reapply the following year, however there is no guarantee that she/he will be accepted the second time.
- An applicant may only apply for the bursary twice.